Monday, November 15, 2010

2 Weeks Down, 6 To Go!!

Well folks, I have made it to the beginning of week 3 of my recovery phase! It appears that the tough times are behind me now and I am crusing on forward. As you have lived with me through the rough points and swollen pictures, I am happy to report some exciting changes to me!
  1. I can talk! Well, not as articulately as I used to, but people can understand me. The days of carrying around that darn white board are behind me! WOO WHO!
  2. I can use a straw to drink fluids and meals! This is an amazing thing for me. It means that I can actually go out into public now and not be afraid of freaking people out with my giant plastic syringe and tube (not that I was leaving the house with those darn things).
  3. A spoon has been reincooperated back into my arsenal. Not that I am the most eloquent eater with a spoon. Actually, most of the soup rolls off my lips and down my chin, but advancement forward none the less!
  4. I can go out socially! Not that I plan on making this a regular habit, and I was still in bed by 9:30pm that night. Can we say party animal? Either way, I proved to myself that I can return to a normal pre-surgery routine. I just need to remember to not overdue myself. My jaw was pretty sore at the end of the night from talking with my friends. All of whom were very patient and listened as I muffled my way into each conversation. Thanks to you all, love you all, you all know who you are!

Also, a big shout out to a couple of the most amazing friends in the world, Erin & Paul Fasse. Erin made me the most amazing vegetable soup that was easily blendable and I was able to consume using a straw. You guys rock! Eating your amazing soup has inspired me to do some cooking of my own. Stay tuned for how my Cheddar Soup recipe turns out this week!

Now to the exciting part of my post, I have begun to see some very obvious changes in my appearance. I am down 17 pounds as of this morning. Originally, the most shocking photos were my side profile, well not any more. Take a look at my head shoots below:

Day 0 Pre Surgery

Day 1 Post Surgery

Day 14 Post Surgery

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